ALL ARE WELCOME We extend a very special welcome to our friends and visitors who come to pray with us this weekend. Whether you’re just having a look, or are searching for a place to worship, we’re delighted to have you here. We trust that our worship will be joyful and encouraging to all and hope that you find a warm welcoming community here at St. Michael Parish. Sunday Mass - 9:00 a.m.
Communion Service - Friday 9:00 a.m. PSR Classes - K-8 Wednesdays 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. September thru April High School Youth Group as scheduled The Bishop's Decree
PARISH ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK 7/1 Fri Communion Service, 9am 7/3 Sun Mass 9am 7/4 Mon Independence Day Boy Scouts - 6:30pm Hall 7/5 Tue Quilting 9:00am 7/7 Thu Shepherds of Christ, 7pm 7/8 Fri Communion Service, 9am 7/10 Sun Mass 9am |
St. Michael’s Parish Mission Statement
St. Michael’s Parish is a family-oriented, Catholic, Christian community united in faith and worshiping in an accepting and loving atmosphere. We are committed to the spiritual growth of all parishioners and are called to be messengers to others of God’s peace, love, and forgiveness in our lives. We welcome opportunities to cooperate with other faith community
St. Michael’s Parish is a family-oriented, Catholic, Christian community united in faith and worshiping in an accepting and loving atmosphere. We are committed to the spiritual growth of all parishioners and are called to be messengers to others of God’s peace, love, and forgiveness in our lives. We welcome opportunities to cooperate with other faith community